Shrinking habitats in inland waters have been devastating for European eels. If this is not remedied, the eel population’s chances of recovering will decrease, write six eel researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in a final remark.
“In their debate response, three researchers at the Baltic Sea Center share our proposals to improve the passage of migratory fish upstream and downstream past hydropower plants in Sweden and in the eel’s other distribution area. It is good.
On the other hand, we question the reasoning that the majority of all eels in Sweden grow up along the coast. The fact that eels stop at the coast is due to the fact that so many of its hiking trails to inland waters are blocked. Historical sources show that the eel has been very numerous in almost all inland waters in Sweden and in the rest of the transcontinental distribution area.”
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Article translated into English below
Slutreplik: Inlandsvattnen livsavgörande för ålen
Krympta livsmiljöer i inlandsvattnen har varit förödande för den europeiska ålen. Om inte detta åtgärdas så minskar ålpopulationens chanser att återhämta sig, skriver sex ålforskare vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (SLU) i en slutreplik.