The scientific interest group on amphihaline fish (GRISAM) brings together the actors of the management and protection of the species, from 27 to 29 March 2018 in Rouen.
It is useful to cross everyone’s experiences on how to integrate the eel in the management of a site (marsh, river, river, brook, …), to hear the latest advances in scientific knowledge the species, its behavior and its dynamics, to seek to optimize the complementarity of management scales of the species and its habitats from the European to the local scale.
These three days are therefore placed under the theme “Knowledge and management of eel” and will give a large place to exchanges and testimonies of management / scientific partners, multi-disciplinary approaches and inter-basin comparisons.
The days are organized by an organizing committee composed of:
Vanessa LAURONCE (MIGADO Association), Anthony ACOU (UMS MNHN / AFB / CNRS Patrinat), Christian RIGAUD (Irstea / GRISAM), Geoffroy GAROT (Migratory Association SEINORMIGR)