“While German anglers struggle with fishing for eel, millions of euros are earned from illegal glass eel exports.”
In this interview with Blinker , Florian Stein gives clear answers:
“For years we have heard nothing but bad news about the state of the eel stock. Is the situation really that serious – and can we still fish for eel with a clear conscience? We asked someone who really needs to know. Florian Stein from the DAFV has dealt with the European eel and the glass eel trade for years. His view of things gives hope.”
Read the full articles in English and German below:
Glasaal-Schmuggel: 6.000 Euro für ein Kilo Fisch – BLINKER
Während deutsche Angler damit hadern, noch auf Aal zu angeln, werden mit illegalem Glasaal-Export Millionen von Euro verdient. Ein Experte schafft Klarheit.