the EU draft decisions contain:
- promote international or regional cooperation on a species-by-species basis, including the convening of regional meetings to discuss how to fill the information gaps and ensure long-term sustainability in the face of increasing demand from international trade
- participate, where appropriate, in the technical workshops and share expertise and knowledge on the priority topics identified
China supported the overall approach but did not believe that other Anguilla spp. should be included in the Appendices.
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), speaking also on behalf for TRAFFIC and the Zoological Society of London, recommended that the use and trade of all Anguilla species be managed as a whole. The Convention on Migratory Species drew attention to a workshop for Anguilla anguilla range States that it was convening the following month.
The Chair thanked the European Union for its willingness to support funding of the draft decisions. The draft decisions were accepted, with the addition of the extra paragraph f) and the amendments proposed
by the United States.
Read the CITES summary record and the draft decision (Doc. 51)