Accelerating the recovery of the European Eel

September 2020: EU regulation 1100/2007 remains fit for purpose

Parliament questions
15 July 2020
Question for written answer
to the Commission
Rule 138
Question reference: E-004198/2020
Caroline Roose (Verts/ALE), Grace O’Sullivan (Verts/ALE)

In its 2020 Work Programme, the Commission indicated its intention to withdraw its 2012 proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Regulation (EC) 1100/2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel, as the Council had not adopted a position. The regulation would have aimed at reinforcing the protection of the European eel through a more integrated approach.
In its evaluation of the Eel Regulation published in February 2020(1), the Commission notes that the ‘the status of the European eel remains critical’ and that ‘its recovery is still far from certain’. The evaluation also highlights several gaps in the existing legislation and its implementation.
1. What measures does the Commission intend to take to ensure the recovery of the European eel?
2. If the 2012 proposal is withdrawn, will it consider presenting a new proposal for a regulation?
Supporters: This question is supported by Members other than the authors: Francisco Guerreiro (Verts/ALE), Rosa D’Amato (NI)


Parliament Questions
14 September 2020
Answer given by Mr Sinkevicius
on behalf of the European Commission
Question reference: E-004198/2020

The Commission is committed to the recovery of the European eel stock, which, as confirmed by scientific advice, remains in a critical condition.
After examination of its pending legislative proposals that were not adopted by the legislator, the Commission has decided to withdraw the 2012 proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (amending Council Regulation (EC) 1100/2007 establishing measures for the recovery of the stock of European eel).
The recent evaluation of Regulation 1100/2007(1) found that the regulation is fit for purpose; however, more efforts are needed to ensure that Member States implement it appropriately, and to ensure in particular a greater focus on non-fisheries related measures to help the stock recover. The Commission is assessing the most suitable way forward to address the findings of the evaluation. As underlined in the President of the Commission’s mission letter to the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, priority is given to the full implementation of the relevant EU policies in line with the mandate of the current Commission.
