Accelerating the recovery of the European Eel

SEG Standard Development

Revision of the SEG Standard for European Eel, 2023

The Sustainable Eel Group (SEG) Standard is a voluntary certification scheme for a Code of Good Practice for a Responsible Eel Sector for fishing and trade in the European eel.

The standard was last fully reviewed and published in June 2018.  We are revising the standard again with the intention of publishing an improved version in 2023. 
This page describes the timetable, procedure and how all stakeholders – anyone with an interest in the recovery and sustainable future of the European eel – can contribute.

In this page:

Documents relevant to the SEG Standard revision
How you can contribute
Complaints and concerns


24 Jan 2023•     Publish the intention to review the Standard and how people can engage
1 Feb 2023•     Start the review, and publish the invitation of comments for 30 days on the existing Standard from users and interested parties

March 2023•      SEG Standard team meets to review Standard and existing feedback and start development of next draft, Version 7.0
1 June 2023•      1st draft Version 7.0 published for 60 days consultation (1 June 2023 – 31 July 2023)
June - July 2023•     Stakeholder workshops to consult on content
Aug 2023•      2nd draft developed
Sept 2023•     Consultation on 2nd draft for 30 days
Oct 2023•      Review and create 3rd draft, towards final version
•      Create log of how all comments have been used
Nov 2023•      Gain SEG Board approval
•      Correspondence with consultees to explain how comments have been used
Dec 2023•      New standard published and available for use
 Note that this timetable could change.


The procedure for reviewing the Standard is described in and governed by our Standard Development and Revision Procedure.  
This procedure covers, in summary:
  • Setting the terms of reference, objectives and scope for the review
  • Roles & responsibilities within the SEG governance structure
  • Involvement of stakeholders during consultation
  • Approval, publication and availability of the revised standard
  • Record keeping, complaints and further revision
  • Composition of the SEG Standard Team
The following are all available or will be published on the SEG website:
  • The procedure guiding the standard setting activity – i.e. the Sustainable Eel Group Standard Development and Revision Procedure
  • The stakeholders contacted and invited to comment, and those involved at each stage of the process
  • The Terms of Reference for the Revision
  • Comments received by stakeholders and a synopsis of how those were taken into account
  • All draft and final versions of the standard.
An easy-to-read ‘ background on why the SEG standard is needed is provided in 116 Need for the SEG Standard.
There is a also a short and easy-to-read Overview of the SEG Standard.

All documents relevant to the SEG Standard revision:

004 SEG Governance
008 SEG Stakeholder Analysis
009 SEG Theory of Change
         012 Stakeholder Engagement Plan
101 SEG Standard Background
102 SEG Standard Development and Revision Procedure
103 SEG Standard V6.1
         107 SEG Standard Overview
114 SEG Standard Revision 2023 Terms of Reference
115 SEG Standard Team Membership
116 Need for the SEG Standard
         118 Certifying eel fisheries in a multi-actor environment
Those in bold are those that we are particularly keen for you to review and provide comments.
All current documentation relevant to the existing standard and related procedures are in the SEG Standard System.

How you can contribute:


In February 2023:

June – July 2023:

1 September – 2 October  2023:

All comments received on the revision of the standard and how they have been used are provided in the links below.

Note that as not all contributors have provided permission for their comments to be used, names and identities have been removed.

Comments on Version 6.1
Comments on Version 7.0, draft 1
Comments on Version 7.0, draft 2

Complaints and concerns

  • Any stakeholder has the right to raise their concerns or submit a complaint about the implementation of the SEG Standard Development and Revision Procedure or about the content of the SEG Standard.
  • Concerns or complaints should be submitted in writing to the chair of the SEG Standard Team ( who will oversee providing a response.
Contact us: